Corporate Culture

Our Vision:To be the influential leading-creator in overseas energy and environmental field

Our Idea:Integrate industry resources, create project ecosphere, contribute society value

Our Mission:Innovate engineering finance, fulfill energy dream

Core Value:Integrity   Innovation   Win-win

Our Team

1. Overseas energy engineering professionals

The core staffs of the Deron Energy, they have overseas energy engineering project background and experience. They are experienced professionals in project development along “One Belt and One Road” and the Americas, with project development, project budget, project financing, project management, project operation and maintenance and other professional capacity in overseas energy project.

2. Investment professionals

According to the development strategy of Deron, the newbusiness model of overseas energy project will be created. Professionals withinvestment banking, fund management capabilities, who will establish project investment,financing, management, investment, withdrawal as the core content of theoperating system.

3. Expert think-tanks

By the domestic and overseaswell-known first-class industry experts and investment banks, fund management composed of a financial expert think-tank. They will take part in theproject selection, project evaluation and design to the overseas market public relations, government resources and financing structure design, project construction and operation, asset securitization and other aspects.